Add trips & deals

Add trips & deals

We want you to be 100% satisfied with the way your trips are displayed.


Step 1: Email the trips you want added to
Step 2: We will notify you when they have been added and published.
Step 3: Visit our website to verify your listings have been added.
Step 4: If you are completely satisfied, click on the Pay Now button to make payment.

Add one trip


Add one tour, safari or lodge package by email.

  • Email one trip link you want added to
  • We will add the trip and link it to your website for you.
  • Add, remove or edit you listing unlimited times by email for free.
  • No monthly or annual subscription fees. Pay a one-time fee.
  • DEAL direct with client enquiries & bookings on your terms.
  • SAVE by paying no referral fees.
  • SAVE by paying no commission.
  • SAVE by paying no enquiry fees.
  • SAVE by paying no pay per click fees.
  • BONUS: get more traffic to your own website!

*Use your business or website name as the reference when you subscribe.


Please copy and paste this text link to any page on your website: trips4Africa. You can also use our logo as the link.

Why you ask? The more links we get to our website, the better our site will rank on search engines, which hopefully means you will get more quality leads & enquiries!

Travel enthusiasts like to view different options when planning their vacations.

We recommend if Tour Operators have various trip options to multiple destinations, they should add up to 10 trips for optimum results!

Add ten trips


Add tours, safaris & lodge packages by email.

  • Email up to ten trip links you want added to
  • We will add the trips and link them to your website for you.
  • Add, remove or edit you listings unlimited times by email for free.
  • No monthly or annual subscription fees. Pay a one-time fee.
  • DEAL direct with client enquiries & bookings on your terms.
  • SAVE by paying no referral fees.
  • SAVE by paying no commission.
  • SAVE by paying no enquiry fees.
  • SAVE by paying no pay per click fees.
  • BONUS: get more traffic to your own website!

*Use your business or website name as the reference when you subscribe.


Please copy and paste this text link to any page on your website: trips4Africa. You can also use our logo as the link.

Why you ask? The more links we get to our website, the better our site will rank on search engines, which hopefully means you will get more quality leads & enquiries!

People about to travel like to shop for the best discounts & deals before making their final decision.

Feature & discount a trip for better results!

Boost a trip


  • Email the trip link you want to boost to
  • We will feature your trip listing.
  • We will add & display the discount on your trip listing.
  • We will link & display the trip on our home, featured and deal’s pages.
  • We will post your trip to our Facebook page with a link to your website.

*Use your business or website name as the reference when you subscribe.


Email: to discuss specialized requirements.

Ai generated trip explainer video’s & prime placement sponsored slots.

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